Thursday, 3 February 2011

365 - 034

Monkey Cat in the bath tub. She only drinks from paddling pools and the tap in the bath tub. We have to turn the water on for her to have a sip before she runs off and leaves hair and wet paw prints behind. Five minutes later of course she wants more water and someone has to turn it on again. As necessary with cats this has to be repeated at least 10 times. Apparently this is good for us. As you know, cats help lower blood pressure...


  1. ....cats help lower blood pressure. How's that working for you Mummy Monkey? LOL

  2. Such pretty eyes, we've caught our cat sitting in the sink, drinking from the faucet before. Crazy cat.

  3. Kylie, not really...
    I reckon it's the running water that reminds them of the wild hence they sit in sinks and bathtubs.

  4. Beautfulllll kitty!!! little diggi waves hi!

  5. ah now our cats prefer puddles, pond water and green covered containers they find in the garden. Perhaps I should be glad they don't want to try tap water!
