Saturday 29 September 2012

Books to read a hundred times

Recently I found this hidden in Big Monkey's book shelf:

I had been searching for this for ages, for a while I had to read this to Little Monkey every night, it has such a fun rhyme even though it's simple and short, I never get tired of reading it hence I searched so desperately for it. This made me think of other books we love to read that I don't mind reading every evening two months in a row.

This is my absolute favourite. So sweet and  so prettily illustrated. By now I know it by heart and even though I haven't read it for a while I still know most of it. This is very helpful as when I "read" it to Baby Monkey and the light is dimmed. She doesn't care yet for seeing the pictures so I get away with telling it without actually looking at the pages.

Another favourite is the Gruffalo and the Gruffalo's child. Sadly the Gruffalo is currently suffering the same fate as Each Peach, Pear, Plum. It's hiding somewhere and I can't find it even though I know it must be in a book shelf somewhere in the house. 

These ones, too are firm favourites.

Do you have picture books that you've been reading to your children hundreds of time and don't mind doing so?

1 comment:

  1. Sheep in a jeep, Jamberry, Wheels on a bus and the very hungry caterpillar... great fun :^)
