Friday, 17 February 2012

Big, brave Monkey

Big Monkey had to have another two teeth removed yesterday. The reason was the same as before, the teeth moved back into her gums without any adult teeth behind to push them out. Although one did have one there now as we found out when the teeth were out. We could see its crown embedded in the gums. However, once the wound is nicely healed it will be covered again and the dentist reckoned that it might quite some while until it finally makes its appearance.  Even though the extraction proved again to be quite tricky with one tooth, Big Monkey wasn't as upset because she knew what was coming.There was quite some bleeding last night and she had some pain but this morning she felt much better and had only very little pain. She was well enough to receive visitors and even go visit one of her friends, she was under strict order on keeping things calm and easy. I'm not sure how well this worked though as the drawing time was cut short with the arrival of  Jen's Little ones and there was a bit of excitement going on considering they hadn't seen each other for quite some while.

1 comment:

  1. Poor Big Monkey - hope she feels better soon from all of us on this side of the hill.
